Food is a greater force than medicine with it’s ability to prevent and reverse many diseases and this simple truth is often ignored. Prevention is more gratifying than writing a prescription for me as a physician. These are the core values behind the inception of this blog, which chronicles my conscious, creative kitchen adventures.  

Food is not a diet, but a part of life, and a way of life.  Numerous diseases have become side effects of changing food habits and lifestyle of mankind through the decades. To nourish and to flourish as a race, it is vital now more than ever to recognize, rethink the human body’s connection to food and rejuvenate the food on our plates. 

As a mom, and a physician, in the food I cook,  I strive to find the harmony between nutrition content, freshness, taste and ease of cooking. But most importantly, my goal is to make eating healthy food, a refreshing experience for my family.  The recipes posted on this blog were inspired by either multiple recipes that I have seen, tasted, read, or the wonderful ingredients I came across in my day to day life.  I reflect upon the different aspects of global cuisines in terms of content, flavor, texture, that I was amazed at and try to infuse those ideas into my recipes. 

My food philosophy is to include as much wholesome, optimal ingredients with emphasis on being plant-based, to amplify the body’s abilities to sustain and heal, while avoiding processed ingredients. The two key components I abide by and, advocate strongly for are ‘balance’ and ‘diversity’ on a plate. Enjoying whole foods, more predominantly plant based in the least processed state is vital to maintain health and is the founding principle behind each recipe on this blog. Nutrition is a science, and eating is a behavior. This blog is a humble attempt to incorporate valid nutritional science into the very personal eating behavior, so that overtime healthy eating behaviors become a lifestyle.

I am not a culinary professional. My modest cooking skills are deep rooted in the South Indian kitchens of my mom, grandma and aunts. In the quiet absence of any modern kitchen equipment including a refrigerator, microwave, blender or oven, I vividly remember how every single meal was cooked from scratch and each bite has a memory tied to it. The freshness and taste of the food that I grew up with, sets the bar for my cooking, while the science backed nutrition principles design the structure of the recipes.

As a busy Indian mom, raising my kids in the United States, I felt the need to think beyond the environment/ foods I ate as a child, both for the nutrition and convenience aspects. As a physician, I understand the ingredients on a deeper scientific level in terms of their connection to human body and disease.

Standing at the interface of food and medicine, this blog showcases my quest to discover, hearty, healthy foods that blend the age old traditions and wholesome ingredients.

Food and humans evolved together and understanding that relationship has always been my passion. The knowledge I gained about food, the fascination I have for knowing food history, is reflected through out the blog and in small articles in the Food IQ section. Hope, they make for an enriching quick read.

I sincerely hope that the recipes posted here, which are truly food for life, shall impact the health of individuals who are keen on making right food choices and living life distant from disease.  Let the heart of a dish be its nutrition content, but preserve and relish the flavors that touch your heart in a dish.

Do send me your thoughts, share your knowledge with me on better ingredients, improved techniques, recipes and good food. 

Until then, cook with love, cook for health, refresh your plate, savor the flavors and eat consciously.

Eat plants, as many as you can!

Be well,

Madhu.K.,MD MPH.

(Plant based Nutrition Certification Graduate-from T.Colin Campbell Nutrition Center, Cornell University)